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Dr. James Dyson's book "Soul-Size: the Eternal Psychosomatic Dilemma," has just been published!  It’s been a 2+ year journey for James, David Tresemer, Zheni Nasi and Christine Huston, and quite an education for those of us previously unfamiliar with what it takes to publish a book.

Soul-Size is featured on SteinerBooks' website, as well as on AAP's website. We are thrilled to share this unique and eclectic collection of "quintessential James" -- 12 chapters (of course!) of lectures, essays and interviews by and with this extraordinary individual for whom we carry deep respect and love.

We hope that you will consider purchasing the book ... AND tell other people about it. (posted 2021.06.01)

Anticipating Michaelmas by Mary Fonte (2018.09.21).  "I've heard many time people say that autumn is their favorite season.  Why is this?  Witnessing the earth's changing colors of green to gold, crimson and chartreuse, whiel anticipating the warmth of a comfortable hearth does enkindle a fondness for the season.  Most significant is the light.  Moving lower in the sky from summer's heights, the sun seems to get more personal and notice me.  The light is clearer, stronger, and deeper."  Continue reading.

A Summer Message from Association for Anthroposophic Psychology by Tonya Stoddard.  "Thoughts on Light.  As we move from lively spring into the long, dreamy days of summer we are reminded of the rhythm of the light that warms us, guides our own bodily rhythms of waking and sleeping and ripens the seeds planted. The Summer Solstice and Saint John’s Day, a turning point in the year, mark the moment we collectively remember the cosmic forces that gently guide the rhythms of our souls. These forces stream from the cosmos to our earthly existence in rays of sunlight. Light that carries the wisdom for human beings to carry on their worldly activities."  Continue reading.
A Spring Message from Association for Anthroposophic Psychology by Cindy Taylor, Waldorf Teacher, Med, Canadian Certified Counsellor, (CCC), Anthroposphic Psychology Program Graudate, PPD Graduate.  "The arrival of spring heralds the return of light to our part of the world after a long winter of cold and dark. As mental health practitioners we meet many people who experience an inner battle of the soul every year during this period. We experience these feelings too, within our inmost being. A darkness of mind seems to rise up, at times, and threatens to overwhelm us. Professionals whose task it is to guide others through the sometimes-overwhelming circumstances of life must constantly cultivate an inner composure and absolute faith in the inner spirit of those individuals with whom we work. When those in our care experience the sometimes epic battle in the soul between mind and matter it is our place to walk beside them carrying a lantern, to hold it steady, simply shedding a constant, unwavering light so that they will find their path ahead."  Continue reading.
AAP has been accepted as a member organization of AAMTA (Association of Anthroposophic Medicine & Therapies in America), an umbrella organization made up of professional associations for anthroposophic medicine, eurythmy movement therapy, massage therapy, art therapy, music therapy, singing therapy, anthroposophic nursing, and anthroposophic naturopathy.  If a person seeks help in their lives that involves body soul, and spirit -- that is, through anthroposophy -- this is a good place to look.  Professionals are listed in every part of the country.  Through membership, AAP will participate on AAMTA’s board and send representatives to AAMTA’s biennial meetings, and AAP certified graduate Practitioners will be listed on AAMTA’s practitioner listing as an aid to individuals seeking counseling services. (Announced January 25, 2018)

AAP has been accepted as a member of IFAPA (International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations) which is part of the Medical Section of the Anthroposophical Society based in Dornach, Switzerland.  

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