| “May our feelings penetrate to the center of
our hearts And seek in love to unite with those who share our goals And with the Spirits who look down benevolently On our hearts’ earnest strivings Sending us strength from realms of light As they illuminate our love.” |
Oh, Great Spirit,
Whose voice I hear in the winds and whose breath gives life to all the world. Hear me! I need your strength and wisdom. Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes ever hold the red and purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so that I may understand the things you have taught my people. Let me learn the lessons you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Help me remain calm and strong in the face of all that comes towards me. Help me find compassion. I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother [sister], but to fight my greatest enemy: myself. Make me always ready to come to you with clean hands and straight eyes. So when life fades, as the fading sunset, my spirit may come to you without shame. (Translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887) | Photo: Northern Minnesota, Sunset, 2020 |
“May our feelings penetrate to the center of our hearts This verse draws our attention to the reverberating All-Presence of Love and Light, which can be likened unto the Sun. How so? The sun does not discriminate.1 Its rays shine equally on all life. Although referenced as a “Verse for America” does it not implore humanity to acknowledge the benevolent presence of the Spirit? Does it not implore us to practice unconditional love? In this sense isn’t this verse a universal refrain revering what contemporary psychological paradigms value as multiculturalism? |
Love is for the world what the sun is for external life. No soul could thrive if love departed from the world. Love is the “moral” sun of the world. (Rudolf Steiner) |
our feelings penetrate to the center of our hearts and seek in love to unite .
. .”
Earnestly Forward: Robert Nelson, AAP President, Faculty Chair
Credit: 1st Photo: Scott
Nelson, Fowl Lake Boundary Waters, Minnesota. Photo Credit: 2nd Photo: John McMann, Effie, Minnesota. Photo Credit: 3rd Photo: John McMann, Effie, Minnesota. June 10, 2021. Caught the imagination of the solar eclipse sidereally in the zodiac sign of the Bull signifying a new start on our journey embracing resourcefulness, expressing service and creativity. |
1 Citation from U.S. Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all peoples are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights. . .”
2 Quote by Rudolf Steiner from Man as a Symphony of Created Word: “And when we see the eagle circling in the air, we do in fact utter a reality when we say: These forces which stream through the air from the Sun in such a way that they are composed of the working together of Sun with Mars, Jupiter and Saturn — these forces are those which live in the whole structure, in the very being of the eagle. But at the same time, they live in the formation of the human head. And when we place the human being into the universe . . . . as regards his or her head we must place him or her into the eagle-sphere.”
3 Rudolf Steiner Quote from Man as a Symphony of Created Word: “The cow has horns in order to send into itself the astral-ethereal formative powers, which, pressing inward, are meant to penetrate right into the digestive organism. Precisely through the radiation that proceeds from horns and hoofs, much work arises in the digestive organism. Thus in the horn you have something well adapted by its inherent nature to ray back the living and astral properties into the inner life. In the horn you have something radiating life, even radiating astrality. . . . We ought to be very thankful that the dung remains over at all; for it carries astral and ethereal contents from the interior of the organs, out into the open. The astral and ethereal adheres to it. We only have to preserve it and use it in the proper way. . .. nature of the animals of the heights, represented by the eagle, . . . and the animals of the earth-depths, represented by the ox or cow. . .”
by Zheni Nasi, November, 2019
When the Verse for this Land spoke to me
We recently completed the second year of the program in anthroposophic counselling psychology, in Pennsylvania, organized by the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology. From the beginning of this training, Dr. Roberta Nelson has started and ended each day of the seminars with speaking The Verse for this Land, by Rudolf Steiner. In addition, she has invited all participants who speak other languages, to speak the verse in their mother tongue. Every time the verse is spoken in another language, I have experienced being uplifted, as the energy shifted in the room by the presence of certain energetic beings invited to be with us in that space.
I have spoken the Verse in the circle in three languages. While I had heard it spoken by Roberta in English, I had not intentionally memorized the Verse. I knew there was something about it that called me. I had reached out to individuals who spoke the Verse in other languages, and compiled all those verses in written and spoken format.
In the last few weeks, attention has been brought to me to work with the heart, both physically in the heart region, and energetically, with the heart forces. Yesterday I was looking at the connection of the sun and the heart. Before bed, I read the verse The Ensouled Sun of Man, by Rudolf Steiner. This morning, while in that state between sleep and wakefulness, I heard from within The Verse for This Land. I was not even sure if I was saying it correctly, as I had not spoken the Verse in English, but it was flowing out of me, as if it were speaking to me. Every line, every word, every sound was working in me, and it was making sense in a new and very powerful way, as if the clouds had departed and I was looking at the bright sky, with a clarity I had never looked at before.
May our feelings penetrate
to the center of our hearts
And seek in love to unite
With those who share our goals
And with the spirits
Who look down benevolently
On our hearts’ earnest strivings
Sending us strength
From realms of light
As they illuminate our love.
It was very clear, in that moment, this Verse was telling me about the meaning of the work of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology. The verse speaks to how to bring about an initiative, a deed, on earth:
“May our feelings penetrate to the center of our hearts”
At the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology, we are in the process of midwifing the birth of a new branch in psychology, Anthroposophic Psychology. Rudolf Steiner conceived it in early 20th century, but this being of anthroposophic psychology was not ready to be born at that time, by only one individual, and when psychology itself was being established as a science. It has taken a long “gestation” period, until now, in the 21st century, when not one, but many - not only from one place, but from all over the world - can facilitate its birth, based on a need of humanity. A deed on earth is an act of will, but Rudolf Steiner is telling us that this deed of will has to be mediated by the feeling realm, and go through the heart. The heart has the capacity to purify feelings (just as sensing and regulating blood flow), which then are transformed from a basis of sympathy-antipathy, into one of love and harmony. These feelings will not only penetrate through the heart of one person, but to the very center of the hearts of many.
“And seek in love to unite with those who share our goals”
This next line tells us with whom to connect and reach out, to give birth to this deed: “those who share our goals”; and how to connect with those people: “seek in love to unite.” This seeking is not only physical, to identify those individuals interested in anthroposophic psychology, but we put out an intention, a call to all those who may come to join this initiative. The seeking is primarily for the feelings to unite. Feelings are the mediator between thinking and will. As these words vibrate in me, I become aware how powerful the connection is when people come together not only based on abstract ideas, but unite through the realm of heart. Any experience is potentized through feelings. This initiative to bring about anthroposophic psychology is not only an intellectual endeavor. We strengthen this movement, to become the being of anthroposophic psychology, when imbued with our heart forces. This is an endeavor coming to us from the future.
“And with the spirits who look down benevolently on our hearts’ earnest strivings”
Any earthly experience, any manifestation in matter, any becoming on earth, has its origin in the spiritual world, has a spiritual correspondent. For this endeavor of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology to become a deed, connecting with other individuals who share the same goals is necessary, but does not suffice. We need to make the conscious effort to connect with spiritual beings to create a true synchronicity, so that on earth becomes as it is in heaven. The power of this line is also in its telling us that we are not alone when our endeavor comes from “our hearts’ earnest strivings” - which balance our thoughts and our will. Anthroposophic psychology fulfills a need, a yearning in the hearts of many, who intuitively know that our soul-spiritual nature is not being met, and is withered by the mainstream medical model of today’s psychology. Anthroposophic psychology brings together a body-soul-spirit approach to healing and restoration of mental health, and the dignity of human being.
“Sending us strength from realms of light as they illuminate our love.”
When we come from a place of hearts’ earnest striving and consciously commune with the spiritual realm, our soul-spiritual nature is nourished, and we receive strength to bring our deeds on earth to fruition. Can we become aware of this nourishment from realms of light? Could we also incorporate this nourishment to become our medicine, in the form of illuminating our love? In our existing healing modalities, this aspect is missing at large. This line speaks to me of the meaning of true healing. We do not heal in isolation, but when we come together as a community of individual human beings. When we commune with the spiritual realms of light, honoring our bio-psycho-spiritual triune nature, we have the potential to reach our full potential, as a unification of matter and spirit.
* * *
Now I realized that from the beginning, when I first heard it, this verse was working in me, until now, when I was able to hear it speaking to me. The work ahead of us gained a new clarity and perspective. I also realized that I connected with the verse based on the specific initiative I am working with, however, the power of the verse is giving the healing impulse, in imbuing any initiative with heart forces, community of human beings, and the spiritual realm, as we need all three in giving birth to any deed on earth.German Dringe unser Fuehlen Original, Rudolf Steiner, spoken Sabine Cox
| English Verse for America May our feelings Spoken by Roberta Nelson
Afrikaans Mag ons gevoelens tr. & spoken by Therisa Pienaar
| Albanian Vjershe per Ameriken Le te hyjne ndjenjat tona tr. & spoken by Zheni Nasi
Chinese – Mandarin “May our feelings 願我們的情感 Penetrate to the center of our hearts 貫穿內心 And seek in love to unite with those who share our dreams 在愛裡追尋,讓分享夢的人能齊心協力 And with the spirits who look down benevolently 伴著仁慈照看我們的靈 On our hearts earnest strivings 在我們發自內心最誠摯的努力中 Sending us strength 傳送力量給自己 From realms of lights as they illuminate our love” 在光中,我們的愛也明亮了起來 tr. & spoken by Li Shan Chu
Poiima gia tin Ameriki As mpainoun ta synaisthimata mas Ας μπαίνουν τα συναισθήματα μας στο κέντρο των καρδιων μας και να ενονουν με αγάπη μ'αυτους που μοιραζουμε τους σκπούς μας Και με τις ψυχές που βλέπουν από πάνω με καλοσύνη Τις ειλικρινές προσπάθεις των καρδιων μας Στέλνοντας δύναμη Απο σφαίρες του φοτος, ενω φωτιζουν την αγαπη μας tr. & spoken by Zheni Nasi
Le verset pour l’Amérique Spoken by Catarina Burisch
Versetto per l’America Che possano i nostri sentimenti tr. & spoken by Zheni Nasi
Hindi Sloka Prarthana hain ke hamare bhavana Prarthana hain ke yah bhavana Prarthana hain ke yah jhivathama प्रार्थना है कि हमारी भावना हमारे ह्रदय में निवास करे॥ प्रार्थना है कि यह भावना प्रेम से उन सब तक पहुँचे जिनके सपने हमारे सपनों से मिलते हैं॥ प्रार्थना है कि यह भावना उन जीवात्मा तक पहुँचे जिनका आशीर्वाद हम पर है॥ प्रार्थना है कि यह जीवात्मा अपनी रोशनी से हमारे प्रेम को ज्योतिर्मय करे और सच्चे मन से किये गये प्रयासों को शक्ति दे॥ tr. & spoken by Sudha Gutti
ہمارے دلوں کے مرکز میں داخل ہو جائیں اور اپنے مقاصد کا اشتراک کرنے والوں کے ساتھ متحد ہونے کے لئے محبت میں تلاش کریں اور اس روح کے ساتھ جو بظاہر نظر آتے ہیں ہمارے دلوں پر پریشانیاں ہمیں طاقت بھیجنا روشنی کے حصول سے ہمارا پیار روشن ہے. tr. & spoken by Fozia Khan
Måtte våre følelser trenge dypt inn i våre hjerter, tr. & spoken by Franz Eilers & Karen Derreumaux
私たちの感情が、心の中心を貫きますように。 目的を分かち合う人々と一つになるべく、 感情が愛を求めますように。 慈悲深く見守ってくれる霊とともに、 私たちの心のたゆまぬ努力に、 力を与えたまえ 光の領域から、霊が私たちの愛を照らすとともに。 Watashitachi no kanjō ga kokoro no chūshin wo tsuranukimasuyōni. Jihibukaku mimamottekureru rei to tomoni
Verso para América Que nuestros sentimientosPenetren hasta el centro de nuestros corazones Y busquen unirnos en el amor con aquellos que comparten nuestros sueños Y con los espíritus que miran benévolamente El sincero esfuerzo de nuestros corazones Enviándonos fuerza Iluminando nuestro amor desde los reinos de la luz.